Monday, January 26, 2009

Lee Street Studios : Materials Programming Analysis

Lee Street Studios : Square Footage Program Analysis

Lee Street Studio : Programming Notes

Before we began to create the programming document for the Lee Street Studios project, my group members and I looked at the latest programing document for our current studio building, the Muad Gatewood Studio Arts Building. Notes were taken on things such as the purpose/objective of the document, the university's master plan, state and university requirements/guidelines, and handicap issues.

It seems that the purpose of the programming document was to provide the designers with information about the project, and issues of high concern to UNC-Greensboro. The document informs the designer about the university's master plan to update interrelating campus entry points, overall pedestrian access, building massing, and the overall landscaping of UNC-Greensboro. There is a great desire to modernize facilities of the aging campus, while building new facilities that also respond to the character of the university.

Both the university and the state of North Carolina require the designer to refer to the North Carolina Construction Manual of North Carolina Department Administration, IBC, and to have the project reviewed by the North Carolina Department of Insurance. They also require an Environmental Assessment Statement, and provide a complete list stating the protocol of all involved in the project. Our group noticed that the university has its own desires of building systems, recycling procedures, interior and exterior hardware, building mechanical equipment, and sustainable design (by wanting only LEED buildings).

After reading the document, we began to ask ourselves how much should we obey these requirements throughout our project.

Lee Street Studios : Programming Analysis Exercise

To jump start our programming document for this project, our class was split into 3 groups being the site analysis, precedent analysis, and programming groups. I was placed with programming, and as a group we were charged with compiling all of the data gathered from our classmates and ourselves to create the programming document for the project. This took a great amount of team work. As a classes we had to decide on the number and types of spaces that would be included, their square footages, and what aspects of the project would be optional or required of designers.

Fortunately, our professor, Travis Hicks, provided us with reading assignment that gave brain storming tips to help generate thought in a large group setting. For instance, our class discussions were very open. We did not take turns speaking. Everyone was allowed to state their thoughts while a note-taker wrote on a large board, and our professor stepped away allowing a great atmosphere for free thought.

Furthermore, my group members and I were charged with developing the overall-building adjacencies, technology requirements, and narratives to be included in the programming document with help of other class groups.

Lee Street Studios

This is going to be a very interesting semester. I can't tell how excited I am about the studio project that I am envoled in that is called Lee Street Studios. After reading the course syllabus, I've come to the conclusion that this project will help me to understand how to effectively use site, precedent, and programming analysis throughout the design process.

This studio project addresses the 2020 Master Plan of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. UNC-Greensboro is an aging campus, in which most of its buildings where constructed before 1970. By the year 2020 the university plans to renovate structures, landscapes, and build new structures that will respond a desire to upgrade the current campus while responding to the character of the university. Our project focuses on the UNC-Greensboro's plan to expand its campus boundaries beyond the North Carolina Rail Road and merge with the Greensboro community through W. Lee Street. The

class was charged to research and examine the site, programing documents, and precedents to develop a new program to generate design ideas for the campus project.